Ok, there was no real police fight of any sort, only a minor verbal altercation.
Ok...this is a total exaggeration. But still an adreneline pulsing experience.
We (Trevor) ran a red light in Yuli a few nights ago, thought we could get away with it (a whole lot more common than actually stopping at red lights in many cases over here...) but to no avail. Under the cloak of darkness, at an intersection that is rather empty at the best of times, we were caught. We made a left on a red, turned the corner and came face to face with a pair of police officers. We were flagged to pull over, and stopped our scooter by their car.
Then we lifted our face masks...and they showed a face which explained the surprise of "oh, snipe...
foreigners!?!" They tried, in Chinese, to explain that what we did was a traffic no-no, but we replied with stunned faces and open mouthes. They asked if we spoke chinese, we replied with stunned faces and open mouthes. They tried to draw on the asphalt what we did, and make it apparent that it was a no-no, we replied with ....yup...stunned faces and open mouthes. They gave up...waved us on our way.
I think one of the two realized we were making up the no chinese gambit, but whatever. We got away ticket free, and a good thing too because the scooter license was still at home (safe and sound on the shelf...good place for it, eh?).