Another weekend, another adventure. This time we took an elaborate trip up north. A midnight train to Hualien, crashed hard in a hotel by the train station, woke up at (near!) sunrise and made it to the train that would take us further north to the cosmopolitan vibe of Taipei. Our goal was threefold - get in a hike at one of Taiwans most famous (although most honestly not the best...its proximity to Taipei makes it very well known. Ecologically, has nothing over Taroko Gorge National Park, HeHuan, Sheipa, ...) national parks and find some cool birds and critters to watch (fog, rain and fog...and some wind limited this) along the way, bust our way through the city core to the Astronomical Museum (soooooo cool, but a little outdated in the images and moon-base section!), and finally relax our bones at a night market and have an evening out. All three accomplished in style. The hike was accomplished in soaking wet, chilly, windy, "I would love to find a hot spring around here" style!
Morning view from our Hualien hotel room (the train station it the flat, long building where the cars are parked).
The hiking trail in YangMing Shan National Park; there are two trails, really. One is a trail built with andesite slabs and formed into a sidewalk feel, the other is this one, what we were heard to describe along the way as "real". However antagonistic our thoughts were as we scampered about on the stone covered sections, with such heavy rains and the steep slope, it is almost necessary and totally understanable. It is just nice to trek on dirt for a while....something just so much more beautiful about that. Regardless, stone covered or natural, this was a stunning and calming hike to the tallest peak in the park.
Trevor, still not raining so hard that the rain pants needed to come out just yet, but thick with fog enough that it felt like they were becoming increasingly necessary
Astronomical museum. Trevor gazing at our Milk Way Galaxy.
Crystal taking her chances in space...
The night market, streets swollen with people, vendors and food.
Check out some more pics
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