But, there are clues:
1) Sweat stains = Sept-Nov
2) Santa Hat = Dec
3) Sweater = Dec-Jan
4)Shaved Head = Oct
5) Beard (and I mean a hefty chunk of fur) = pretty much right now
Morning english lessons; while the rest of the teachers have a meeting I take all students, grade 1 through 6, and learn'em some gooder inglis.

Packed grade 6 class.
Sports day, relay race (I pulled through on this one and brought in a nice 2nd place for our team..which means we won soy sauce instead of shampoo).

Me and one of my grade 4 classes.
Grade 6 again.
The front of one of my schools. This is a drab looking picture, but the schools here are stunningly picturesque. Not square brick buildings, but buildings with colour and personality...a warm hug of architecture.
Forget the name of this flower, but it was HUGE! One of my collegues is heavily into ecological sciences, developed a butterfly conservation area, and maintains the school grounds like a conservatino area (growing all sorts of endangered plants, protecting butterfly trees and the butterflys themselves....). He gave me this - he knew I would love it as we talk 'nature and science' every day. Pretty awsome guy. Knows everything about Taiwan's nature.
The school grounds of one of my smaller schools (I teach at four schools).
School bulletin board. Yet to be bulletined. Bulletinized. Bulletinnated.
During the height of the H1N1 outbreak, signs went up everywhere. In multiples. These are a couple of them on the school grounds.
School hallway, again. The schools here are very linear, with an open hallyway (like this) as the main walkway, and the classrooms leading off from it.
Last week....Moon, Jupiter....lovely.
Teaching the teachers.
I have help in all my classes, and here is a picture of the school soldier (who lived in Australia for 8 years, so his English is comparable to his chinese...its grand) helping out a couple of our kids.
If anybody is doing the math on the pictures above - yes, you are right. I always have a second teacher, and I have 6 students. Another few classes have 4 students. Its gooooooooooooood!
Teaching colours to a grade 3 class, preparing them for their review bingo game.
Grade 3's, again.
The grade 5's and 6's at one of my school, by the school pond.
Guitar time. Chugging my way through a few songs with the grade 6's.
Teaching the teachers again. Most of them have somewhat decent writing skills, but absolutely no speaking skills.
Staff dinner (pot luck). You can see my (Crystals) bread at the bottom left. It was a crowd pleaser, for sure, after I convinced people that although it wasn't white bread, didnt have jam in the middle, and that there was no sugar to sprinkle on it, it was still good.
The perception of what bread is over here is quite absurd. It is a dessert here.