So here comes the double whammy of typhoon anger...
It looks like what we will actually get is a weekend of heavy rain and unforgiving gloom, but not the torrent or rain-wind destruction that usually comes with direct hits from Typhoons. Although there are two of them that are sandwiching us in, neither will make a direct hit. So the Central Weather Bureau tells us....these predictions change with the hour, so by the days end we may be in for a more humbling future (they both go their respective northerly and southerly directions and avoid us entirely) or a more intense future (one, or both, take the opposite course and smack us broadside like a mosquito on the windshield). Either way, we smell rain this week, weekend, and perhaps next week.
In all honesty, it kinda beats the vaporizing heat of the clear mid-day sun. Kinda....
Here are the two that are being tracked thus far:

Heading north, perhaps the most danger here is for Japan, not us in Taiwan.

This one is atypical in its place of origin, as they usually form out in the Pacific and not between the Philippines and the mainland, but typical in its little dance and sway its track makes. So unpredictable, yet the predictions keep coming. Keep them coming!
So, nothing really new to toss up here. We have officially registered for the half-marathon in Taroko National Park and are starting our training routine. We are pretty much unpacked and settled into the house and the routine of garbage/recycling/compost days (gotta run to catch the truck....five flights down, across an alley and out to the front of a neighbouring school) and are planning our first bike trip of the year. Things are starting to take on a calmer, more normal, feel now that we are in our routines. Crystal doesn't start her job for another week, so once that kicks in the full fledged routine will tweak things a bit, but not much.
Hope Canada is doing well....