Sitting at home, just back from town and attempting to digest my delicious dinner, I felt the urge to check the Central Weather Bureau - the science agency that monitors earthquakes, tracks typhoons, does meteorology work, forcasts, the like - to see what was happening around Taiwan. The typhoon season has passed us it seems, but there are always the other things - earthquakes! So, I checked. I clicked and saw that, since I last checked (multiple times daily) there had been a pretty massive earthquake - Taiwan CWB giving it a R-6, USGS a R-5.7:

Then, literally, as I clicked away to check in on Glenn Beck's blog (ok, ok, I know nobody would knowlingly do that....)...I clicked away to find a TED talk or something, and WHAMO, or should I say SHAKE-O!!! The house started rattling, the desks, chairs, glasses, computer started doing the jiggity - then the ever present earthquake reality of the 'wave'. The house - the world it seems - just does this epic and eerie wave, sort of like all the molecules in the materials that constitue a house all decide to go in different directions for a few minutes. A wobble...
...then nothing. This is when the scariest time is, because your thinking to yourself....what next? Waiting, waiting, waiting....then you relax. All is safe. So I immediately checked back with the science folks at CWB and got the almost instant update:
And then this morning, more aftershocks (and what appears to be a brand new 'quake - Hualien is a distance from Nantou, so to assume that they were directly related is a little questionable):
The ground is alive, the plates are active....