Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Roosters, Pigs and Public Service Announcements

Today took the cake.

Our neighbour, apparently, just purchased - or decided to slaughter in their back yard at 10pm - a vociferous pig. Our other neighbour recently did the same, purchased that is, an equally vociferous rooster. Rooster in the morning, 5:30 sharp, rooster in the evening, anytime, pig sqreeching randomly. This is the music of our lives, our morning wake up and our evening serenade.

Add to the cacophonous joy of the pig/rooster choral brigade a group of out of work karaoke singers ("to sing" infers melodic charm, but let us not fool you into thinking that these 'singers' have any melody, nuance, tone or timing that would ersult in anyone determining it as mucis if it were not for the background song implying that they are intending to make music..but failing). This is the music of our daily lives, but today was the best the loudest and the most diverse of all.

Then we had the village announcemet. The village chief gets on his loudspeaker, loud enough so that the whole village can here (the speaker is directly across from our house!) and speaks - yells - updates to the villagers about weather, the harvest, when the water will be shut off, where to put garbage, random thoughts that he has...things that they need to know, perhaps, and all need to know at the same time. Im sure that if we could understand him - it is in Taiwanese, not Chinese - it would be informative. But to us it is a random assortment of consonants.

The music of village life!