Monday, February 1, 2010

One Week!

January 8th we leave the sultry shores of Taiwan, via Taipei International, to the illegally logged - orang utan endangered - stupidly hot - leech infested - Theory of Evolution developing (Huxley, at least! oops...Wallace...Wallace, at least!!!) - biodiversity hub of the planet. Hope to climb a mountain, hike a few rainforest trails, spot some tropical birds and spend some time at the Orang utan conservation site.

And, if it all works out, we snag a few pictures or videos of the illegal logging hub of the world. We are landing in Malaysia, but Indonesia is just a hop and a domestic flight away....hmm...

Still need to whip up some leech socks, a few odds and ends, a knife, and a list of excuses as to why we want to enter illegal logging areas...perhaps needing to pretend our camera is broken.

One week.....