Thursday, February 4, 2010

Our last post...

A lot has happened in the last few days, and I fear typing these words...but this will be the last post on this website....

...until Feb 21st.


The truth is, our internet connection died, we are missiling (moving like a, with direction and intent goals...does that word exist?) through our final chores and packing to get ready to leave on Monday for Borneo. If all goes well, we will land 11am Sabah time and be on our way to Kota Kinabalu by lunch. If all does not go the news.

So, we are sitting in an internet cafe, typing away on commodore 64 era computers and trying to tidy up all our banking and flight details. The busiest days always the last ones, eh? Tomorrow we take a train to Taipei, hit up the hiking store district and try to find some last minute doohickies and then hunker down - perhaps check out the science museum - and wait for take off.

See you all in a couple of weeks!!