Monday, July 23, 2012

We return...soon.

Welcome back:

It has been a long while since the last post, and although the post previous to this was bemoaning a lack of time, I have nothing to add other than a continuation of that lack of time. Though, not a lack of importance. We like to keep this for us and for anybody who cares to read, so that in time we can look back (we already do, to be honest) and rekindle memories and things learned along the way. We will change that soon, I promise. If you took the time to come here and check, after all this time, we owe you a post.

We have China, Malaysia, Canada, Taiwan and a little vegetarian chicken that was made of chicken-chicken mishap to share, and will do so within the next few days. Piece by piece, the pieces of the last few months will be pieced together...

