Sunday, November 18, 2012

Guanxi, China

Most recently, Captain Trevor took a little trip to China for a conference. The Cross Strait Forest Dynamics Plot Workshop was the name, presenting my thesis research was the game. After the conference, we were treated to a three day tour of a karst forest in the southern part of Guanxi Province, near the border of China and Vietnam and some other delectable treats along the way. After that I had two more days to wander on my own. Here are the sights as seen through the lens of a camera:

 Left: woman cooking pig leg  Right: Sugarcane for sale

Left: Hiking through the forest plot with the group Right: An old story told through statues

 Left: Local alcohol (not sure of its origin) and its secret ingredient....ants.  Right: Just click and see for yourself

HeHuan Marathon

A long long time ago (or so it seems) we ventured to HeHuan (QingJing Farm, to be exact) to partake in a marathon. Both of us signed up for the half (25km) and had a rather wonderful time overall. Crystal is seen below with her participation prize (ok, was first place!). 

There is much to write about this weekend - from birdwatching to botched race results (on my end, not hers..),  beautiful scenery to festive dinners. It was an eventful weekend. But, as time is draining away, pictures will have to suffice. I will add that by getting first place, Crystal won a bet with a restaurant owner earning us both a free dinner that night (pictured below). I urge this behaviour to continue....

A wonderful weekend, perfect weather and a very nice break when a break was needed.