The forestry camp was good, sort of. Interesting, but we were both under the weather and the burned sleeping quarters, rusted machines and revamped work houses that now sell artwork just didnt pull us in as much as it might of in regular spirits. The next day we ventured up the mountain and stopped in at a nice tea farm, lake and village estranged from the rest of Yuli Township. Gorgeous views and a calming scooter ride.
...and we took some random pics from the usual roadway. Things are chaning on the rice fields, again. Its wildflower time!
The beginning of the wildflowers. After the winter rice harvest they let the fields go wild and plant a few flowers to bring in some N2 to the soil...via the plants. The fields are green again!
Up near Bamboo Lake. Trevor checking out the tea plants, with Day Lilies in the foreground, Betel Nut Palms in the background and the rest of the greenery belonging to the wild woods of Taiwan.
Crystal by Bamboo Lake, looking towards the Lily field and the darker tea patch in the distance. And, of course, Betel Nut Palms.
Tea. Raw, succulent tea.
Then....this is the best thing to happen to us yet. Feeling under the weather, a thick chill in the air outside, thoughts turning to winter snows and friends and family back home...we decided to make pizza. First attempt at a real pizza, and shebang! It worked! Dough was a little different, the cheese a little less taste, but the toppings, the sauce and the smell....pure happy. We made two, ate them both over the course of two days and a movie. there anything you cant make perfect?!?
Crystal making said pizza.
Man, raking manure outside our house.
No need to explain, just a cool shot.
Not sure how I can explain. the protection of a Daoist god in kung fu style. Or something. Whatever it is, its got personality for sure!
And, a warm fuzzy note to end. This is a regular enough sight for us in the morning or evening. The grandmother who lives beside us, who donated some of her little garden to us (its working...stuff is growing....!!) and walks by randomly to check in on us and also is now taking our compost (we are not sure if it is for her garden or her friends pig...the communicatiuon breaks down after explaining that we need to put it somewhere, and that she wants it...time will tell) also brings us veggies whenever she picks through her garden. So, this morning I thought I would take a picture to remember not only the good heart of many people here, but also this specific day. A rough morning was turned into a warm moment by this simple sight on our front steps.