...in a few hours.
Today is the day, the real 'reason for the season', and an epic nod to weather to stop being so cold, and for the sun to return to its full summertime glory in the sky. In time. There is still a whack of winter to go, but we are on the upside of things from this day forward, so lets tip a glass while cuddled and shivering in the cold!
Today, in Taiwan, it is absolutely freezing. Humidity kills you here. It wa 14c last night and we slept in winter hiking gear, sleeping bags, duvet and hats....we were still cold. Today we are off to buy a winter gauge duvet. In a few months when the thermometer tips upwards of 30c we will want to dispose of it immediately, as we drip in sweat and become angered that four showers a day simply isn't enough to keep up with the perpetual drenching from the heat, but for now it is required.
Thats how it goes.
To everyone, Happy Solstice.